My Make-n-Take for the Make-n-Take Madness at The Crafty Scrapper in Waxahachie, Texas from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday, April 13th!
See the previous post below for details!
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The Crafty Scrapper
308 South College Street Waxahachie, Texas 75165 972-923-3151 www.thecraftyscrapper.com HOURS: Monday ~ Thursday 10am-6pm Friday 10am-midnight Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday Closed Wow, I cannot believe its been 8 years since I opened the store! It truly has been a journey of ups & downs, meeting and making new friends, a lot of learning, growing personally & creatively and many many blessings. I am blessed to have an fantastic creative team, hard working employees and the best customers...thank you! We want to celebrate turning 8 and ignite your creativity by spending the day with our talented teachers and designers as we mix, mingle, and most importantly CREATE! Purchase your Make-n-Take Madness ticket for just $20, and finish 1 make-n-take or all 10 for the same price! We will have scratch off discounts from 10% ~ 40% with 3 BIG prizes valued $50~$300, giveaways, birthday cake and much much more....so come help us celebrate! Saturday April 13th 2013 10~5pm $20 (for your MNT ticket) Purchase your ticket starting today. Must participate in make~n~take, there will be no kits available. Limited number of tickets. And now without further ado, here’s a peek at our MNT Team and the fabulous projects that you will create! Introducing Carolyn Ross....... Crafty Scrapper Owner/Teacher/Designer ![]() I am inspired by colors, patterns and anything old and vintage. My love of gardening inspires me the most! Who inspires me? Besides all the wonderful friends I have meant along the way in the design world, I would have to say my son. Watching him grow, changing and all the crazy things he does make me what to capture the moment by creating something that will stay with me forever. ~Carolyn ![]() Introducing Gena Glover....... Crafty Scrapper Store Manager/Teacher/Designer My inspiration in found in so many things... family, nature, wonderful products and teachers and designers. I am very blessed to work at the store and interact with so many talented people. ~Gena ![]() Introducing Anita Scroggins....... Crafty Scrapper Teacher/Designer ![]() I am inspired by everything around me! I usually start with my photos and go from there. I love to pull my supplies out and find new ways to use them too. The whole creative process is part of my daily routine - every single day. ~ Anita ![]() Introducing Jim Hankins (The Gentlemen Crafter).... Designer/Teacher ![]() I am inspired by so many aorist's and designers. To name a few, Dyan Reaveley, Tim Holtz, Dina Wakley and Donna Downey. Each has their own special way to "do" art and from each I take inspiration.
love paper crafting and find inspiration for my paper projects from
just driving down the street and observing life. There are so many
interesting things to out there to take note of and mimic when creating.
~ Jim ![]() Introducing Sonia Doneghue..... Crafty Scrapper Designer ![]() My inspiration is found in everyday life. I am constantly framing things in my head...images of trees at sunset, an elderly lady crossing the street with groceries in tow, a runaway balloon ascending into the clouds, the fastener on a seat back tray in an airplane, my pup's nose, freckles on cheeks...all very ordinary, but extraordinary in my eyes. I am inspired by music, by the way a complete stranger can sing words that are fragments of something I am feeling or have felt. Being an aural person, when I hear those fragments I am instantly transferred to that place, to that time. Words alone are powerful, but put some music notes behind them and those words take flight! I could go on and on about all of the things that inspire me but I think I have given you a good idea. Although I LOVE to buy craft supplies…papers, embellishments, chipboard, stamps, etc., those things do not necessarily inspire me. However, they do allow me a very unique and beautiful way to filter out the stream of consciousness, the love, the hurt, the anger, the funnies, and even the ridiculous things that go on in my head, in my heart. I have had two constant inspirations in my life, my parents. I was blessed with my mother’s creative nature, and my father’s appreciation for music. I am also inspired by artists such as Kelly Rae Roberts. Kelly Rae is amazing and inspirational and many are surprised that I own so many of her pieces. Although I have been known to create some “not so positive” pieces of work, I do surround myself daily, whether in my office or at home, with encouraging tokens of art. As I look around the room now, I see “Our dreams give us wings…”, “Express yourself, do something creative.”, “She lived her heart’s glowing truth every single day.”, “Put your heart into it!” and an over sized eraser that says “For BIG Mistakes”. Hehehe. ~ Sonia ![]() ![]() Introducing Shelley Hamilton....... Crafty Scrapper Teacher/Design team ![]()
What inspires me: new techniques and products
Who inspires me: anyone who enjoys creating
~ Shelley
![]() Introducing Frank Vento...... Crafty Scrapper Teacher ![]()
What Inspires Me? Everything...from the turning cogs of a clock, to the colorful hues of the evening skies.
Inspires Me? Everyone. Everyone has something in them that makes them
unique....to ignore those aspects of other people robs me of the
opportunity to be inspired by their differences.
~ Frank ![]() Introducing Tina Covington........ Crafty Scrapper Teacher ![]() Who inspires you? I really can't answer this question with an individual person. I am going with all the stampers in blogland, as I get so many of my ideas from other blogs, pinterest, stamping forums, etc. What inspires you? My creativity comes from many different places. It might be a set of stamps, or a great sketch (as most of my cards begin with a sketch), or pretty papers. Or, it might be something not related to stamping at all, like a photograph or a combination of colors. I never know what might inspire me and allow my creativity to flow. ~ Tina ![]() Introducing Patty Rogers....... Crafty Scrapper Designer ![]() Inspiration for my paper crafting comes from nature, love of art, human relationships, family history and stories. Most importantly, I am inspired by family members, both living and those who are no longer with us. ~Patty ![]() Teacher/Designer & Sales Rep.
for me comes from many different angles. I love color and flowers.
Anything floral that has the touch of Spring will set my mind to create.
A rainbow of colors are the most fascinating things to me. I am drawn
to colors, bright cheerful colors! I love whimsical fun products to
create with.
inspires me? Depends. Most of the time it is the cheerfulness of my
grand kids. I love to create with them in mind. I find a lot of
inspiration from their energy and the way they see the world.
~ Christy ![]() We have a special guest joining us from 10~noon ONLY Introducing Caroline Lau...... Maya Road What inspires me? Seeing people in all different stages of paper crafting using Maya Road products.
Who inspires me? My two kids - Noah and Olivia
~Caroline![]() 972-923-3151 |