It's a painted canvas with a few of her softball pictures on it! She's going to be anxious to hang this in her room!
I started with a 14"x18" canvas, and glued three photos down toward the bottom. I then used black cardstock to fashion the film strip around them, and glued this down, also.
I then drew the peace sign, heart, and softball on the canvas, and painted the whole canvas, including the symbols and the background using Splash of Color's Silks Acrylic Glace and Splash of Color's Viva Colour Precious Metal Effect Paints. For the background, I just made a few large paintstrokes with one color, let it dry, then did another color, etcetera, until I was happy with it. You will get a more pronounced look if you wait for each color to thoroughly dry before putting the next color down.
Here is a side-view. I went ahead and painted the sides of the canvas the same way as I did the background, as I do not plan on framing it. Another technique I have used before is to glue buttons on the sides to dress it up a bit!
To make the cardstock look like a film strip, I used Splash of Color's Viva Colour Silver Metal Effect Paint on the edges. To make the peace sign, heart, and softball show up well, I outlined them with Splash of Colors's Viva Colour Graphite Paper Pen. This should be done toward the end of the project, as it will need to completely dry. For the softball laces, I used Splash of Color's Viva Colour Red Gitter Pen. On the heart, I used red glitter sparsely.
On the top portion of the canvas, I embellished with hot pink tulle and buttons that I stamped myself, along with a bit of twine.
Lastly, I wrote the words "Peace", "Love", and "Softball" on the respective items, using a fine tip black marker. On the film strip, I used a thin white marker to write my daugher's name, team name, and when the picture was taken.
My little girl loved it, and I had fun making it for her, and sharing it with you!!! I hope you enjoyed looking! Have a great day!
Shelley Hamilton
Splash of Color Products Used
Silks Acrylic Glaze in Pink Azalea
Silks Acrylic Glaze in Color Berry
Silks Acrylic Glaze in Pink Grapefruit
Silks Acrylic Glaze in Carmen
Silks Acrylic Glaze in Sunburst
Viva Silver Precious Metal Effect Paint
Viva Purple Precious Metal Effect Paint
Viva Turquoise Precious Metal Effect Paint
Viva Red Glitter Pen
Viva Graphite Paper Pen
Other materials used
14"x18" canvas
Black cardstock
Thin white and black markers
Hot pink tulle
Hot pink buttons stamped with tiger stripe stamp in black ink
Pink and White twine
Red glitter
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